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    Accessibility is an essential prerequisite for use with security and autonomy, full or assisted, of spaces, urban furniture, equipment and buildings, transportation services and devices, systems and means of communication and information for people with disabilities or with reduced mobility.

    Tourism adapted for people with special needs is increasingly valued as an economic activity to generate wealth and social inclusion.

    The SAFE AID contributes to the development of professional skills in this area, promoting the creation of sustainable and inclusive conditions, thus contributing to the access of all to the tourist experience.

    Disabled / Adapted Tourism

    Disabled / Adapted Tourism

    General Objectives
      It is intended that students acquire technical skills to support / personal assistance for people with special mobility, orientation and communication needs, public and cross the various sectors that are organized tourist services situations.
      Framework of Inclusive Tourism: Political and Legislative; Relevance of Inclusive Tourism; Types of disabilities; Limitations and special needs of each type: Motor Disabilities, Visual, Auditory and People with Intellectual limitations resulting from the aging process; Material support and practical personal assistance for each category of disability; Interpersonal relationships and attitudes of care of people with special needs; Tourist accessibility requirements for each category of disability; Closure.
      Tourism professionals who want to improve their knowledge and skills in the care, support and personal assistance to people with special needs. Age less than 18 years.
      25 Hours - Labor or labor post